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News archive

- Vaibhhav Sinha joins the lab as a post doc!


- New preprint on algal control of bacterial community assembly - work by Kaumudi Prabhakara.


- Dispatch from Avi Flamholz and Diane Newman on Karna's paper. PDF.


- Kiseok Lee wins the Hinds Fund Award from the Committee on Evolutionary Biology! Congrats!

- Karna's paper on denitrification published in Cell.  Press release from UChicago

and Northwestern.

- Seppe wrote a perspective on Waddington's landscapes in Cell Systems.
- New seminar series on Theory of Biological Systems co-organize by Karna! Join us Fridays 12:30 CST.  Website.

- 11/2021 -- New review article on solving the structure-function problem in communities.


- 10/2021 -- Our group is part of a new training grant in Quantitative Ecology.

-10/2021 -- Our paper on carbon cycling in closed microbial communities is accepted to PNAS!

- 9/2021 -- Rudy Mendez Reina joins the group jointly supervised by Arvind Murugan. Welcome!


- 9/2021 -- We were awarded a seed grant from the Biosciences Division @ UChicago with Arjun Raman's group working on community design.

-8/2021 -- Seppe co-organizes KiTP program on ecology and evolution of microbial communities.

- 5/2021 -- Chin Yi Tan joins the lab collaborating with Kiseok Lee.


- 5/2021 -- Seppe gives the Evolutionary Systems Biology seminar at ETH.


- 5/2021 --  Kyle Crocker joins the lab as a post doc. Welcome!


- 4/2021 -- Luis is names Mavis Future Faculty Fellow at UIUC. Congrats!


- 4/2021 -- Kiseok Lee joins the lab. Welcome!

- 3/2021 -- Seppe gives talks at APS, U. of Florida and MIT.
- 1/2021 -- Ahmed Selim from the UC biophysics program will work with jointly between our group and Arvind Murugan.
10/2020 -- New manuscript predicting metabolic function from genomic structure in microbial communities.  Nice work Karna & Derek.

- 10/2020 -- In collaboration with Madhav Mani our lab has been awarded an NSF grant to support our denitrification project.

- 6/2020 -- New manuscript on self-sustaining closed microbial communities. Congrats Luis, Kaumudi and Zeqian.
7/2020 --  We are thankful for the opportunity we have had to do science at UIUC - especially for the remarkable colleagues, students, and staff.  However, we are excited to announce that our laboratory is moving to The University of Chicago @ the Department of Ecology and Evolution and the Center for the Physics of Evolving Systems. We look forward to joining the vibrant intellectual community at UChicago.


3/2020 -- Karna's virtual APS talk is online here!


1/20 -- Seppe gives the Complex Systems seminar at Northwestern


12/19 -- Paper on higher order interactions out in Cell Systems, with commentary from Alvaro Sanchez.


11/2019 -- Chandana passes her prelim!


11/2019 -- Seppe gives talks at Georgia Tech and Emory.


10/2019 -- David successfully defends his thesis!​


9/2019 -- New manuscript on the evolution of generalists.  


8/2019 -- Seppe speaks at workshop on out of equilibrium processes in ecology and evolution in Oaxaca.


8/2019 -- We were awarded an NSF-BBSRC collaborative grant on microbial mats!


6/2019 -- Safe travels Harry, see you soon!


6/2019 -- Chandana's CompGen Fellowship renewed. Nice job!


5/2019 -- Harry successfully defends his thesis!  Congrats!


3/2019 -- Seppe speaks at VU Amsterdam, AMOLF (Amsterdam) and TU Delft.


3/2019 -- New manuscript on invasions in ABC communities.


3/2019 -- Harry, Seppe, Derek speaking at APS March Meeting.


11/2018 -- Jason is accepted to the Insight Data Science Program.  Congrats!


10/2018 -- Seppe gives physics colloquium at IUPUI Indianapolis.


8/2018 -- Jason successfully defends his thesis & his paper is published in PRL!


6-8/2018 -- Chandana attends MBL Woods hole course on physiology.


7/2018 -- New preprint on phage transitions in bacterial range expansions.


5/2018 -- Chandana awarded a CompGen fellowship - congratulations!


4/2018 -- New Post Doc Kaumudi Prabhakara joins the lab as CPLC fellow.  Welcome!


4/2018 -- Seppe gives a seminar at Washington University -- Physics department


3/2018 -- Seppe gives an invited talk at the APS March Meeting.


2/2018 -- Seppe speaks at a workshop on Evolution of Diversity at Les Houches.


1/2018 -- Karna quoted in Quanta Magazine in an article about microbial communities.


10/2017 -- Seppe gives talks at UTSW and UCLA.


10/2017 -- New paper on evolution of phenotypic fluctuations.


8/2017 -- eLife paper featured in Scientific American.


8/2017 -- Post doc Karna Gowda, jointly supervised with Madhav Mani, joins the lab as a Mcdonnell foundation fellow - welcome!


8/2017 -- Katie and Chandana pass the Physics qualifier -- well done!


7/2017 -- Seppe speaks at KITP EcoEvo


6/2017 -- Harry passes his prelim!


5/2017 -- Jason and David pass their prelims!  Congratulations!


3/2017 -- Paper out in eLife.


1/2017 KuehnLab joins Academics Against Immigration Executive Order.


1/2017 -- New paper on population dynamics in fluctuating nutrient conditions


12/2016 -- New paper on evolution in constrained phenotypic spaces.


10/2016 -- Remembering Klaus Schulten.


10/2016 -- Jason wins University fellowship.  Congratulations!


9/2016 -- New paper out describing high-throughput population dynamics measurements.


8/2016 -- CPLC post doc Connie Phong joins the lab.  Welcome!


8/2016 -- Seppe promoted to Assistant Professor.


7/2016 -- Moore foundation grant with Blainey group (MIT) to study photoautotroph-heterotroph interactions!


7/2016 -- New Insight article on Community Collisions in eLife!


4/2016 -- Seppe gives ESAM seminar at Northwestern.


4/9/2016 -- Kuehnlab co-organizes  Midwestern qBio Symposium.  Registration and schedule - here.


1/2016 -- Seppe gives Widely Applied Math Seminar at Harvard.


10/2015  Paper on population dynamics in closed ecosystems published in PRX.  Viewpoint in Physics.


8/2015  First paper on evolution of bacterial motility submitted.


8/2015  Seppe teaches biophysics bootcamp to incoming Ph.D. students.


1/2015  Diane joins the lab as a CPLC undergraduate!


9/2014  Joey joins the lab!


8/2014  Seppe teaches biophysics bootcamp to incoming Ph.D. students.


6/2014  David joins the lab!


6/2014  Harry joins the lab!


6/2014  Lab renovations are done!


1/2014  Jason joins the lab!


1/2014  Seppe arrives at UIUC


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